Laziness is a disease
It is a dangerous illness: laziness.
Tiredness shows lack of will for progress. When you feel tired or fatigued that is lack of will for progress.
Fire is always burning in you.
Fatigue comes from doing without interest the things you do.
Whatever you do you can find interest in it, provided you take it as the means of progressing; you must try to do better and better what you are doing, the will for progress must always be there and then you take interest in what you do, whatever it is. The most insignificant occupation can prove interesting if you take it that way.
[CWM2, 14:248]
Mother, how can one get rid of laziness?
Laziness comes from weakness, or from lack of interest. For curing the first—one must become strong.
For curing the second—one must do something interesting.
[CWM2, 12:136]
When you feel tired, don’t overstrain yourself but rest – doing only your ordinary work; restlessly doing something or other all the time is not the way to cure it. To be quiet without and within is what is needed when there is this sense of fatigue. There is always strength near you which you can call in and will remove these things, but you must learn to be quiet in order to receive it.
[SABCL, 23:701]
Overstraining brings inertia up. Everybody has inertia in his nature: the question is of its greater or less operation.
If too much work is done the quality of the work deteriorates in spite of the zest of the worker.
[SABCL, 23:702]
If you overstrain yourself by too prolonged work or a restless working, that disturbs or weakens the nervous system, the vital-physical, and lays one open to the action of the wrong forces. To work but quietly so as to have a steady progress is the right way.
[SABCL, 23:704]
Sweet Mother, do we have a right to ask questions if we don’t practise what you say?
You always have the right to do anything! (Laughter) You may ask all the questions you like. Practise? Fundamentally, it is up to each one to choose, isn’t it?—whether he wants to practise or not, whether he considers it useful or not. That is something which cannot be imposed; it must be done freely. But one may always ask questions.
Well, I am going to ask a question: “Why don’t people practise?” Do you know why they don’t practise? (Mother asks others in turn.) And you? And you?… Bah! Do you know?
Perhaps because one is lazy!
That is one of the main reasons. And so one conceals one’s laziness behind fine reasons, the first of which says, “I can’t, I don’t know” or else, “I have tried and not succeeded” or “I don’t know where to begin!” Any reason whatever, isn’t that true? The first that comes to you. Or else, one doesn’t practise because one doesn’t find it worthwhile to make the effort—that is part of the laziness also, it asks for too much effort! But one can’t live without effort! If one were to refuse to make any effort, one would not even be able to stand on one’s legs or walk or even eat.
[CWM2, 8:295]