Cracks in the Nervous Envelope: Watch for the ‘Uneasy Feeling’
Flagging of Consciousness: Be Attentive and Alert
Fear and Depression: Keep Them Away
Accidents and the Moment of Choice: Why or how is it that some persons seem to come out unhurt, even without a scratch, from major accidents, while for others, even the slightest thing turns into something very serious? Is it all a play of chance or is there something behind of which we are not usually aware but which is the determining factor?
The Moment of Choice
One can make it afterwards?
An Awakened Consciousness
We house innumerable and contradictory Personalities
What is my Mission and my Role?
The True Personality
The First thing to Do
The Pioneers of a divine Conquest
Why am I here? Why is there an earth? Why do I live? What am I meant to do?
Love to Learn
They don’t know why
On which side one wants to be
Earthly Life is the Place for Progress
We house innumerable and contradictory Personalities
What is my Mission and my Role?
The True Personality
The First thing to Do
The Pioneers of a divine Conquest
Why am I here? Why is there an earth? Why do I live? What am I meant to do?
Love to Learn
They don’t know why
On which side one wants to be
Earthly Life is the Place for Progress
What is the Truth? What do you mean when you speak of “the Truth”?
Laziness is a disease
Mother, how can one get rid of laziness?
Sweet Mother, do we have a right to ask questions if we don’t practise what you say?
The Range of Achievement
The Factors of Success
How can we find the Divine who is hidden in us?
Why should I take up the spiritual path? Is it for a personal gain, even if it is high and spiritual? Is it for serving the society and humanity? Is it for the sake of the Divine? But then what does Sri Aurobindo mean when he says even personal liberation, perfection, fullness must not be pursued for their own sake but for the sake of the Divine?
But why do we do this divine Work? Is it to make ourselves…
No personal desire should come in
One single motive—the Divine
An important subject
How to sleep properly
How is it better to go to bed early and to get up early?
What are dreams? What is their nature and importance? Why do we forget our dreams?
Can we have control over our dreams? How to interpret dreams? We all have dreams during sleep. We would like to know their meaning and significance. There are a large number of books on this subject but they do not always give satisfying answers. Here are answers taken from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother about what happens during sleep:
What are dreams? What is their importance?
Types of dreams
Why do we forget our dreams?
What is the true significance of birthdays? Why are they given a special importance in the Ashram?
I would like to know the true meaning of birthdays, for it is an important day here.
How should one spend one’s birthday?
Today is my birthday. I want this day to be the beginning of a more spiritual life and therefore something has to be done. Please tell me what I must do.
What is the meaning of one’s birthday, apart from its commemorative character? How can one take advantage of this occasion?
Two beautiful birthday messages
The Central Process of Yoga
The Core of the inner Surrender
All can be done by the Divine
What is Right attitude?
Inner State made up of faith and Trust
Inner State made up of Peace and Equanimity
Inner state made up of Cheerfulness and Perseverance
Our Special Mission
The fact of being born with a psychic being and upon earth which is a spiritual symbol proves that we have each one of us a great responsibility, doesn’t it?
Awakening Responsibility
Knowledge by Identity: A Key Leadership Quality
What makes one grow old?
How to remain young
Divine in Origin but Human in its actual nature
How can Religion help in my spiritual growth?
Religion has to be a free choice from within
Limitations of Religion
Beyond Organised Religion
Towards a Spiritual Religion of Humanity
The Meaning of Progress
Yes but if I want to progress in sports for instance then that would be a personal progress wouldn’t it?
Childlike Trust
Humility and Gratefulness
Invoking the Grace
Prayer and Surrender
Knowing Oneself
The Soul (the Psychic)
The Mind
The Vital
The Physical
The subconscient
Calm, Peace and Silence
How can we establish a settled peace and silence in the mind?
Can one be peaceful in activity?
Peace and Yoga
[SABCL, 23:635]
The real meaning of peace
Patience and Endurance
The Chemistry of the Invisible
Occultism and Science
Aim and Process of Occultism
Requisites for Practising Occultism
There is a lesson to learn
What should be our attitude in the face of such calamities? Can our attitude have an effect or change the circumstances themselves? It is said that the best always happens. What does it mean exactly?
The Mission of Music
From what plane does music generally come?
What is the cause of the great difference between European and Indian music? Is it the origin or the expression?
What should one try to do when one meditates with your music at the Playground?
Money: A Force, a Power
Purpose of Money
Money does not bring Happiness
Who is fit to possess money? How should money be used?
How can one know if one’s way of using money is in accordance with the divine Will?
Mistakes Have Their Purpose
Recognise It and Don’t Repeat It
What does Meditation Mean?
There are other forms of dhyana. There is a passage in which Vivekananda advises you to stand back from your thoughts, let them occur in your mind as they will and simply observe them and see what they are. This may be called concentration in self-observation.
This form leads to another, the emptying of all thought out of the mind so as to leave it a sort of pure vigilant blank on which the divine knowledge may come and imprint itself, undisturbed by the inferior thoughts of the ordinary human mind and with the clearness of a writing in white chalk on a blackboard. You will find that the Gita speaks of this rejection of all mental thought as one of the methods of yoga and even the method it seems to prefer. This may be called the dhyana of liberation, as it frees the mind from slavery to the mechanical process of thinking and allows it to think or not to think, as it pleases and when it pleases, or to choose its own thoughts or else to go beyond thought to the pure perception of Truth called in our philosophy Vijnana.
Meditation is the easiest process for the human mind, but the narrowest in its results; contemplation more difficult, but greater; self-observation and liberation from the chains of Thought the most difficult of all, but the widest and greatest in its fruits. One can choose any of them according to one’s bent and capacity. The perfect method is to use them all, each in its own place and for its own object; but this would need a fixed faith and firm patience and a great energy of Will in the self-application to the yoga.
What is the Purpose of Meditation?
I think the most important thing is to know why one meditates; this is what gives the quality of the meditation and makes it of one order or another.
You may meditate to open yourself to the divine Force, you may mediate to reject the ordinary consciousness, you may meditate to enter the depths of your being, you may meditate to learn how to give yourself integrally; you may meditate for all kinds of things. You may meditate to enter into peace and calm and silence – this is what people generally do, but without much success. But you may also meditate to receive the Force of transformation, to discover the points to be transformed, to trace out the line of progress. And then you may also meditate for very practical reasons: when you have a difficulty to clear up, a solution to find, when you want help in some action or other. You may meditate for that too.
How to Meditate?
What are the Best Conditions for Meditation?
The first internal condition necessary is concentration of the will against the obstacles to meditation, i.e. wandering of the mind, forgetfulness, sleep, physical and nervous impatience and restlessness etc.
The second is an increasing purity and calm of the inner consciousness (citta) out of which thought and emotion arise, i.e. a freedom from all disturbing reactions, such as anger, grief, depression, anxiety about worldly happenings etc. Mental perfection and moral are always closely allied to each other. Sri Aurobindo
What is Dynamic Meditation?
I think everyone has his own mode of meditation. But if one wants the meditation to be dynamic, one must have an aspiration for progress and the meditation must be done to help and fulfil this aspiration for progress.
What is the meaning and importance of Japa? What is its value and how should one do it?
OM: The Supreme Mantra
Mantra Yoga
Why we should have an Aim?
Why Am I Here on Earth
Our Mission in Life
Power of the Future
Power of Imagination
True Humility
What is the right and the wrong way of being humble?
The Nature of Human Relationship
The Human Affections
Man-woman Relationship
Difficulties in Relationship and How to Overcome them
Others are a Mirror
Change yourself first
Will our victory act for the whole world?
Is it very important to know oneself?
In dealing with others what is the best attitude? Should it be one of intervention or of non-interference? Which one is better?
When is Intervention Justified?
The best way of helping others
The Meaning of Good Health
Psychological Health
Good Habits
Happiness and Good Health:
Cheerfulness brings Good Health
To be Ill is a sign of Weakness and Inferiority
Ill Health
What is it that you call “the basis of equanimity in the external being”?
Some people have a well-developed body but in spite of that they are very nervous. Then…?
Right Way of Living
Right Spirit
Sweet Mother, here it is written: “there is… a true physical being.” What does this mean?
Some Tips for Good Health
What is real happiness and when does it come?
Is the aim of life to be Happy?
Who is truly happy?
How can one feel sweetness and joy when one is in difficulty?
Thoughts on Happiness
Is delight the highest state? And if so, could it be said that when one loses delight, one’s consciousness is lowered?
What is Gratitude?
The Most Pure and Joyful Feeling
A Greater Miracle!
The Action of Grace
With the touch of the divine Grace, how do difficulties become opportunities for progress?
Most of the religious and spiritual traditions of the world believe in the existence of God or Gods. Who are these heavenly beings? What is their nature and source?
The Divine
God, The Divine, The Supreme
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
Shiva, Krishna, Devi
What is a Ghost?
What is meant by “This ghost, which is mistakenly called the spirit, is …sometimes a subtle-physical prolongation of the surface form of the mind-shell”? [quote by Sri Aurobindo]
[to a disciple who was afraid to go to a place…]
Black Magic
To be generous is to be benevolent towards everyone not only materially but also in the heart and in the mind. It means always to have good feelings towards all. Even in the mind there must never be any bad thoughts about anybody or anything.
Admin AuroNivas2017-04-06T11:04:02+05:30
The True Friend
Let him be what he is
Freedom and Growth
But what is Freedom?
What is Independence?
Freedom and Service
How to neutralise the tamas which gets in with the Food?
Offer the Food to Divine before Eating
Right Quantity of Food
For Digestion of Food
Wastage of Food
Body has its own instinct
Is there a Destiny or is there only Free-Will?
Fate and Karma
Destiny and Personal Will
Surrender to the Divine
Why blame the circumstances, one’s fate, one’s luck etc.?
What is Faith?
What is the difference between faith, belief, conviction, reliance, trust and confidence?
Belief — intellectual acceptance only.
Conviction — intellectual belief held on what seems to be good reasons.
Reliance — dependence on another for something, based on trust.
Trust — the feeling of sure expectation of another’s help and reliance on his word, character, etc.
Confidence — the sense of security that goes with trust.
Are there various types of faith? What is the difference between mental, vital, physical and psychic faiths?
Is faith “blind”? What is the nature of the faith that each spiritual seeker must have in himself or herself?
Is it possible for us to increase our Faith? How is it to be done?
The Meaning and Importance of Equality
Does Equality mean a passive and inert acceptance of success and failure?
Equality does not mean that one should see Truth and Falsehood as equal
What is Ego?
The Three Forms of Ego
How to abolish the Ego? Why is it so difficult to get rid of it?
Two things to remember
Aim of Education
Physical Education
Vital Education
Psychic and Spiritual Education
What is meant by the Psychic Being:
True Basis of Education
Three Principles of True Teaching
Sleep and Dream
What are Dreams? What is their importance?
Types of Dreams
Why do we forget our Dreams?
Can one change the course of one’s Dreams?
[Compiler’s note: We have not taken up here the question of interpretation of Dreams for it is a vast and complex subject, where the subjective element plays an important role and similar dreams may have very different interpretations, depending on the person.]
It is easier to Doubt then to know
Is Doubt a sign of superiority?
Some practical suggestions
How to get rid of Doubt
Importance of Discipline
Maintaining the Discipline
Freedom and the Discipline of Concentration
What Is Devotion?
Devotion Is a State of the Heart and Soul
Devotion without Gratitude Is Incomplete
How to Get Pure and Complete Devotion?
Mutual Misunderstanding between the Followers of the Three Paths:
Is the Way of Bhakti Inferior?
Desire: A Movement of the Lower Nature
Desire and True Need
Unfulfilled Desires Are Concealed in the Subconscious
Overcoming a Desire Brings Greater Joy than Satisfying It: An Example
How to Conquer or Overcome the Desires?
Desires Creates Difficulties
The Effects of Desire
An Illness of the Ego
Causes of Depression
From Where Does the Depression Come?
How to Avoid Attacks of Depression?
How Can Depressions Be Controlled?
How to Face Depression?
Overcoming Depression
Why are men obliged to leave their bodies?
Right Attitude towards Death
What Happens After Death?
Why Death Comes in to Separate Two Persons Who Are Very Close?
Life and the One Thing Important
How to Overcome the Fear of Death? The Indispensable Psychological Basis:
Method of Reason
Method of Inner Seeking
Path of Faith
Way of the Warrior
Way of the Initiate
Why Is There Pain and Suffering? How Should We Deal with Them, Including Physical Illness? What Happens When We Seek Pleasure?
Dealing with Pain and Suffering
What Should One Do When We Have an Acute Physical Pain or Suffering?
Criticism and Compliments
Opinion of the Truth
If the Divine that is all love is the source of the creation, whence have come all the evils that abound upon earth?
All is from the Divine; but the One Consciousness, the Supreme has not created the world directly out of itself; a Power has gone out from it and has descended through many gradations of its workings and passed through many agents. There are many creators or rather “formateurs”, form-makers, who have presided over the creation of the world. They are intermediary agents and I prefer to call them “Formateurs” and not “Creators”; for what they have done is to give a form and turn and nature to matter. There have been many, and some have formed things harmonious and benignant and some have shaped things mischievous and evil. And some too have been distorters rather than builders, for they have interfered and spoiled what was begun well by others.
Is There Any Aim to This Creation, a Final Goal, a Reason for Its Existence?
How the Luminous One Became the Dark Four: A Story of Creation
What Is Courage?
Courage: An Indispensable Virtue
Source of Courage
To Be Courageous: Master the Fear
Courage and Aspiration
Some Instances of Courage
Face Adversity with Courage
Danger Can Be Faced Only with Courage
Die to Yourself
Some Quotes on Courage
What Is Consciousness?
The Extent of Our Consciousness Depends on Where We Place It
The Consciousness and Its Instruments
Our consciousness has two aspects: Awareness and the Energy Inherent in it. The awareness is the light which reveals the contents of our inner and outer world and the energy expresses itself through the faculties and instruments of our consciousness.
Meaning of Concentration
[Concentration:] It is to bring back all the scattered threads of consciousness to a single point, a single idea. Those who can attain perfect attention succeed in everything they undertake; they will always make a rapid progress.
What Is the Importance of Concentration in Life? How Can I Increase My Capacity to Concentrate?
How to Concentrate
Concentration and Will
The Inner Contradictions
How to Create the Silence
What Does “Compassion” Mean?
Divine Compassion
Compassion of a Divine Soul
Compassion: A Psychic Virtue
Compassion: True Remedy for Suffering
Divine Law: The Law of Compassion
Divine Compassion and Divine Grace
Pity and Compassion
Compassion and Sorrow
“Compassion in Reverse”
Circumstances: Results, Not Causes
Circumstances: Results of Past Actions
Circumstances and One’s Inner Condition
Break in Disequilibrium
Functional and Organic Causes
The Internal Causes
External Causes
Occult Causes
How to Cure an Illness
Wrong Thinking and Illness
Roll of Peace, Will and Faith
Consciousness in Matter
Right Use of Things
[About a curtain that got spoilt]
The traditional religious conception views money-making and God-seeking as incompatible pursuits. But in this letter to a disciple Sri Aurobindo explains that in an integral spiritual perspective, spiritual growth does not depend so much on the outer act but on the inner attitude:
What Is Beauty?
The Substance of Beauty
How Do We Manifest Beauty in Our Life?
Stars Only Indicate and Do Not Determine Our Destiny
What Does Astronomy Depend On?
Do Twins Have Same Destiny Because They Are Born at the Same Time?
Is the Character of a Person Determined by the Birth Sign Alone?
Stars Have No Decisive Influence
Influence of Yoga Is More Powerful Than the Stars
Art is the human language of the nervous plane, intended to express and communicate the Divine, who in the domain of sensation manifests as beauty.
What Is True Art?
Japanese Houses: Expression of Artistic Beauty
The Process of True Art
Art and Yoga
Modern Art and the Art of the Future
Guidance to a Young Artist:
From Where Does It Come?
All these movements come from outside, from the universal lower Nature, or are suggested or thrown upon you by adverse forces—adverse to your spiritual progress. Your method of taking them as your own is again a wrong method; for by doing that you increase their power to recur and take hold of you. If you take them as your own, that gives them a kind of right to be there. If you feel them as not your own, then they have no right, and the will can develop more power to send them away. What you must always have and feel as yours is this will, the power to refuse assent, to refuse admission to a wrong movement. Or if it comes in, the power to send it away, without expressing it.
If you give expression to anger, you prolong or confirm the habit of the recurrence of anger; you do not diminish or get rid of the habit. The very first step towards weakening the power of anger in the nature and afterwards getting rid of it altogether is to refuse all expression to it in act or speech. Afterwards one can go on with more likelihood of success to throw it out from the thought and feeling also. And so with all other wrong movements.
Your method of taking them as your own is again a wrong method; for by doing that you increase their power to recur and take hold of you. If you take them as your own, that gives them a kind of right to be there. If you feel them as not your own, then they have no right, and the will can develop more power to send them away. What you must always have and feel as yours is this will, the power to refuse assent, to refuse admission to a wrong movement. Or if it comes in, the power to send it away, without expressing it.
The Illusion of Action
True Action Flows from Silence
How to Speak and Act Usefully
The Healing Calm
To someone suffering from stomach and intestinal trouble: