The Mother
The Mother Mirra Alfassa was born in Paris on 21st February 1878. An accomplished painter and musician, she began to have psyshic and spiritual experiences at a very early age. In 1914, she came to Podicherry and at once recognized Sri Aurobindo as the teacher who occultly had been guiding her spiritual development. She helped him start monthly review Arya in which most of his major writings, The Life Divine, The synthesis of Yoga, The Human Cycle etc. appeared between 1914 and 1921. the Mother spent the years of the First World War in France and Japan. She returned to Pondicherry on 24th April1920 and resumed her collaboration with Sri Aurobindo. When, after a special spiritual experience, which took place on 24th November 1926, Sri Aurobindo retired for the exclusive practice of Yoga, the guidance of the disciples who had gathered around him was entrusted to the Mother. This was the beginning of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, which has since developed into a many faceted center of spiritual research. Sri Aurobindo left his body on 5th December 1950. His work continued under the Mother’s direct guidance until her passing away on 17th November 1973. Their work in the Ashram, its Centre of Education and other organizations and groups, still goes on.