Submit Accommodation Request Online Here

Accommodation form

    3,Suffren Street,Puducherry-605001;Phone:0413-2233709

    February/Auguest/November Darshan Days Booking For Accommodation

    We have made program to visit Sri Aurobindo Ashram during February/Auguest/November Darshan Days.We therefore request you to make appropriate arrangement for our accommodation at Samarpan Yatribhavan.
  • NameMale/femaleAgeDesired accommodationRemarks 
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • 1.Cheque of advance of Rs 200 per person is required.Form is acceptable only with cheque.
    2.If desired accommodation is not available,you will gladly accept the available facility.
    3.Last date for accepting the form is 15 january/15 july.
    4.This form with cheque should be sent to Sri Aurobindo Nivas:Dandia Bazar,Vadodara-390 001.
    5.Enquiry or information for cancellation should be sent to the address given in 4.

    It is our aim to accommodation as many sadhaks as possible during the Darshan Days.We request cooperation in accommodating each other with inconvenience for the Mother's sake.
    The charges for accommodation each other will be as per the traffic in force at that time.